Gujarat Bin Sachivalay Cut Off 2022 GSSSB Bin Sachivalay Cut Off will be available for both Clerk and Office Assistant posts on the official website of Gujarat Subordinate Service Selection Board. Gujarat Bin Sachivalay Cut Off marks will be announced for both posts and category-wise candidates. Checkout the tabulated data and learn all about the Gujarat Bin Sachivalay Expected Cut Off 2022.
Gujarat Bin Sachivalay Cut Off 2022 (Expected)Category Cut Off Marks Male Female General 140-145120-130 S.EB.C130-140110-120 S.C 120-130100-110 S.T 95-12088-100 ex. Serviceman 85-95
Note: Official Cut Off marks for the post of Clerk and Office Assistant will be available in the above table after the announcement of the Gujarat Bin Sachivalay Merit List 2022.