
gujarat university degree certificate 2019

gujarat university degree certificate  2019

 April/May 1 and all understudies who have passed the application should fill the online application structure for every one of the understudies who have not effectively filled the application structure to get the degree authentication. Just as a charge of Rs. 5/ – (Rs. 

Normal BA, B.Com, B.Sc., B.B.A., BCA, B.Ed, M.A. taken from April/May-1 to November/December-8. A., M.Com, M.Sc. Test is given yet the outcome is under withdrawal or proclaimed late and the individuals who have filled the expense with the assessment application structures from the school, have booked room no. Such structure will be filled at the Assembly Branch, Assessment Office, 42.

For every one of the understudies who have passed the degree assessment and have not taken the degree affirmation before April/May-1 and all the above aside from the abovementioned and before April/May-1.

The various tests aside from those taken on April/May-1 and the individuals who have passed the post-assessment before April/May-1 and have not taken the degree authentication, should fill the online application structure for acquiring the degree testament and alongside the application structure Rs. 1/ – (Rs. Transports sixty-five) charge will be paid on the web.

Normal BA, B.Com, B.Sc., B.B.A., B.A., B.Ed, M.A. from April/May-1 to April-May. All understudies, aside from M.Com, M.Sc., Ph.D. understudies, must transfer an intelligible duplicate of a year ago’s imprints (a year ago/semester) at the hour of applying on the web application (100 KB to 400 KB). Ph.D. understudies got their Ph.D. The warning (100 KB to 400 KB) should likewise be transferred. So as to demonstrate the understudy’s photograph and Aadhar card number in the degree declaration, the understudies need to transfer the most recent identification size (10 KB to 50 KB) shading photograph and Aadhar card picture (100 KB to 400 KB) by entering the Aadhar card number on the web while filling the application type of the endorsement.

Lone ranger of Medication and Single man of Medical procedure, Lone ranger of Dental Medical procedure, Lone wolf of Optometry, Lone ranger of Word related Treatment, Unhitched male of Prosthetics and Orthotics, Lone ranger of Homeopathic and Drug Medical procedure, a periodical duplicate of their graduation year. A transcript of the current Temporary job Consistence Declaration must be transferred online at the hour of utilization structure.

Understudies of Gujarat College of Lone ranger of Drug store must transfer a transcript of Passing Authentication/Down to earth Preparing Endorsement gave by the school while enlisting on the web application structure.

Contact just Gujarat College with narrative proof for chargeback for online exchanges. No chargeback guarantee will be settled by the bank.

apply online : click


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