Graduate Jobsojas job

sdau recruitment :- SDAU bharti 2023-24

hi frands sdau recruitment the candidates with following academic qualification are to be interested to engage in below mention project and on contractual post in office of the research scientist centre for research on integrated farming systems. SD Agricultural univesity, sardarkrushinagar. the walk in interview will be arranged on date 14/12/2023. at the office of research scientist, centre for research on integrated farming systems, s.d. Agricultural univesity, sardarkrushinagar.

organization name sdau
post name young professional-1
total vacancy 02
apply mode walk in interview
interview date 14/12/2023
educational qualification B.Sc.

sadu recruitment :- salary

so frands in this recruitment your salary is a 25,000 thousand fixed salary in month.

important information

  • the contractual engagement will be purely on the temporary basis/coterminous and need base period with the project. SDAU is not bound to provide any employment after completion of the contractual assignment.
  • In addition to the project work, the selected candidate has to do work as assigned by the principal investigator/research scientist, centre for research on integrated farming systems, s.d. Agricultural univesity, sardarkrushinagar.
  • eligible candidates may directly attend the interview on the date and time specified above at his/her own cost along with their bio-data(As per performa). one passport size photo, attested copies of documents and originals of educational qualification, work experience and proof of age.
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